Emily McKay
On Thursday, May 9th, 2024, Austin, the love of my life, was caught in an avalanche.
There are no words to describe the hole in my heart, the emptiness inside of me, and the deep, deep ache in my chest. There are no words to accurately describe how terrified I am of living with that hole in my heart.
Austin is the most remarkable man I have ever met. I will always admire his commitment to his values, unwavering integrity, resilience, and sheer will-power to make his goals into his reality. Austin was the kind of person who could really see you, and could help you see yourself too. He pushed you to be the best version of yourself. He was patient, and he was always kind. As a partner, he made sure to show me how much he loved me every single day, regardless of whether we were curled up on the couch or he was on a far away stormy mountain. I did not know I could ever be so loved.
I will live for you, Austin. I will carry you with me every day for the rest of my life. Thank you for the most magical moments of my life. I will find you in every lifetime.
Jen Downing
I am grateful for the time we did have, and to be part of the community you have built around you. You kept the stoke high, every detail accounted for, your home open, the dinners large, the conversations honest, and the munter rate within reason when I third-wheeled with you and Chris. We will keep you, Austin, in so many different ways.
Chris Lobosky
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Austin, you were pure gold. I love you. I will miss you.
Austin Clos
He was my brother and I can promise he had no friend that loved him and looked up to him the way I did. Most people never get the pleasure of having such a perfect friend and I’m so blessed I did.
Lexi and I are naming our little boy Paul Matthew Clos after his uncle… He will have quite the shoes to fill.
Tucker Hoefler
“We were able to ski all the way to downtown Cooke City. It’s hard to describe, but it was such an amazing feeling walking down Main Street in Cooke City in ski boots, with skis on our backs, after having skied three of Montana’s most coveted lines. We made it back to the truck with plenty of daylight left to spare. Getting out of ski boots was almost as good as the cold-ish Coors Banquets waiting for us.” ❤️
My thoughts are with Austin’s and Andrew’s loved ones.
Molly Kawahata
What is there to say about our friend Austin? Where does one begin. I’ll miss his endless psych that could get people out to hyalite in any condition, including to drytool in June in the rain (“bring all your rain gear!”). After getting back from a particularly challenging trip to Alaska, he listened intently as we drove into hyalite and I shared my struggles — he made me feel seen and not alone in that feeling, even though he thrived in Alaska. Years ago we joked that we could quit everything and become monks, with him adding that the monastery we build in bozeman should be at Mountain Project. When I was in a tough place and struggling with housing, he offered to let me stay at his place — he was always so generous like that. Austin got after it, but he was a safe and smart climber. Any time I’d ask him for beta, he was always adding details of things to consider and look out for to help me stay safe. I’ll miss him making fun of my dull front points, his self-deprecating humor, always seeing him around Roman candle (I’d come to refer to it as “Austin’s route”), and the lightness he brought to any situation. He was psyched that I’d started including a screenshot of his website in my keynote talks, an example of how members in our community help each other, and he told me to add one of his favorite photos of the Moose’s Tooth in AK. Of a route he gave me a ton of beta on before I went last year. Over the years Austin inspired and helped me so much in ways he was and wasn’t aware of.
A few weeks ago he checked in about Alaska, and I told him I was gonna re-attempt a route we’d discussed that I’ve been on many times. He responded “It’ll just make it even sweeter when you get it done!” Austin, I wish so badly I could tell you that last week we finally got it done.
He left an indelible mark on everyone around him. We will miss you, friend.
My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
Philip Vaughan
Austin was one of the finest and closest friends I’ve ever had. He took me in more times than I can count, always with a smile, a hug, and a come back anytime. I can confidently say that he impacted my life more than he ever knew. His character, integrity, generosity, and kindness was unparalleled. When I say to call if you need anything, that is a trait that he taught me over the years.
Ethan Alcorn
Austin was more than just a friend to me, he was a brother, a confidant, and a kindred spirit. I loved him like family, and his passing has left a gaping hole in my life.
Austin was an extraordinary person who had a profound impact on my life. His kindness, generosity, and infectious enthusiasm inspired me to be a better person. He had a gift for making everyone feel seen, heard, and valued, and his presence in my life was a precious gift. I'll always cherish the memories we made together, from our adventures in the mountains to our quiet moments of reflection.
I hope you find comfort in the memories and stories of Austin's life, and in the knowledge that his legacy will live on through the countless lives he touched.
From Rondo Orrico
“Since I am not an avid climber/skier/hiker/biker/hunter person, like you all, I just want to quickly share who and what Austin was to me.
Austin, was our dear friend and neighbor that we considered our son- and yes, that was OK with Linda! We have 4 daughters, all close to Austin's age. After initially discovering how kind, thoughtful, smart, fun and funny he was, we had hoped (at the beginning) that he would be a great match for one of them. But, after a short time, we realized his HUGE LOVE for climbing/skiing/hiking/biking and hunting(and I am sure there was more!). We knew that he needed to find a girl with that same HUGE LOVE- and he did. We Love You, Emily!
It has been such an Honor and Blessing to have Austin in our lives. We enjoyed occasional dinners with him- the rare and and few times he was actually home. He even sous vided a venison back strap for us once. It was amazing! He had also roasted an entire sheet pan of broccoli. Craig and I each had a scoop and I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Austin devour the rest of it! Our girls never ate that much broccoli!!
Once in a while, I would find Austin at our front door needing to borrow something. Most of the time, it was corn starch. He would always show up with his cute, little grin. He made me think of a tall, skinny, red headed Teddy Bear! The one you just can't help but squeeze!!
He was there for us (when he was here) for other needs as well- not just food! He was always willing to come help lift heavy things, borrow tools and help us with our bikes. He even came to the rescue when the ETs left a bag of Meds at our place after loading Craig in the Ambulance- Yes, they really did forget a bag of Meds and wanted it back ASAP!
We so appreciated Austin, as a friend and neighbor. As you are all very much aware, he was always happy, if not eager, to help. I truly believe that there isn't anything that he wouldn't do for us. And I know that there is nothing that we wouldn't do for him! We have been so very Blessed to have had Austin in our lives these past 4 years. This world needs so many more Austins in it. He was Truly Special. He made so many lives Better, by just being part of it. His kindness, thoughtfulness, friendliness and helpfulness was always oozing out of him onto others.
Because of who Austin was, so many hearts are so broken today. He has etched a Beautiful "Austin Stamp" on all of our hearts, and it is there to stay. He has made many Wonderful, Fun and Funny Memories with us all, and they are there to stay. In time, I hope and pray that when you think of Our Beloved Austin Mallet, the heartache, emptiness, sorrow and pain that you are experiencing now, will become a gentle and comforting memory of the sweet, fun and adventurous times he shared with you. I pray that you all will find God's Peace and Love to help you through this unbelievable, unbearable heartbreaking time of losing our deeply beloved Austin Mallet.
With my sincerest love, prayers and sympathy for you all.”
From Emily McKay
“Austin’s mom took this picture on Christmas Day last year in Hyalite. She was nervous about getting cold that day, so Austin carried a chair to the crag and brought lots of down parkas. We drank hot green tea with maple syrup. We climbed ice and laughed until we were all brimming with tears. When we got home, Austin went right to work cooking the main course of our Christmas dinner, elk tenderloin from a hunt that fall. The house smelled like fresh pine from our little Christmas tree. We’d cut down that tree a few weeks earlier. Our decorations were sparse, so Linda brought some of Austin’s childhood favorite Christmas and Hanukah ornaments to spruce up the tree. It absolutely glowed.
That night, all of the boot and glove dryers in the house were running on full blast so we could leave early in the morning for his birthday objective. I snuck a little bottle of birthday champagne, a piece of cake and some candles in my backpack that night so I could surprise him the next day. Little did I know, Austin also snuck some pastries into his bag to surprise me with as well. He led every pitch of Big Sleep for his birthday, smiling ear to ear, and kissed me each time I made it up to him. We had the whole place to ourselves, so we’d pause for a little cheers of maple syrup tea and some pastries at the top of each pitch. I don’t think we saw a single other party that day in Flanders. Just us. It was an absolutely magical time.”
“Tazzi Sushi is working on creating ‘The Malletor.’ They know what his favorite roll was, so it will be something he would love.”
— Austin Clos
From Mike Wolfe
“Austin was a stand-out member of the Bozeman outdoor community. Many knew him from his big smile and friendly personality at community skimo races around Montana. He was a passionate athlete and an accomplished mountaineer in all regards. We often saw Austin training in our dry tooling cave at the gym, in preparation for ice climbing season. He was a true pleasure to have around as a member of our community. I was lucky enough to race with Austin at numerous skimo races around Bozeman, and it was always a welcome sight to see his bright smile as he handily passed me ripping uphill. Many others in Bozeman shared a rope or a skin track with Austin in the mountains, and everyone respected and admired his many exploits climbing and skiing around the globe, and his good nature and approach to mountain sport.”
“My heart goes out to you and all touched by his presence. Such an amazing human and pillar of the Bozeman mountain community….”
— E.C.
“Austin was such an incredible and kind human. Although we didn’t know each other for very long, his generosity was unparalleled. I’ll certainly miss his enthusiasm and psych for the mountains and the time we got to spend together. ”
— S.M.
“We went skiing once together, the pencil couloir in the Absarorkas. I later saw him as as he passed our group on the way up to the skillet. I always reached out to him when wanting to know conditions up north. He shared his Caltopo map he’d been working on. Austin is out of this world…. he was a very unique, one of a kind human being.”
— K. P.
“An inspiration to climbers all over Montana. May he live on in the mountains of Alaska, Montana and beyond.”
— E.S.
Write a comment in the box below. Tell us what Austin meant to you.
We are looking forward to reading your stories and sharing your memories. As we find time, we’ll move some of your comments to the main page.
If you would like to contact Austin’s family to send pictures, videos or share your stories, please use the following email address: